
Americans Detained in China

My friend Michael Liss is one of several Tibetan-freedom activists/journalists detained by the Chinese government since Tuesday. The six Americans are being held because of public protest actions they took during the Olympics in Beijing.

Mike has been a passionate supporter of and activist for Tibetan freedom for many years now. Having traveled in the region several times before -- and because of his long-standing involvement -- he knew full well the risks he was taking in China. But he saw them as worthwhile risks, considering the cause.

International pressure on the Chinese government will help bring these folks home (so that Mike can regale us ad nauseum with his tales of international freedom-fighting). Several major publications have finally taken notice -- The Washington Post and The New York Times.

International pressure will also further illuminate the predatory and abusive nature of the Chinese regime, behavior our government pays little more than lip service. The Times also reports:

"Two photographers for The Associated Press were also roughed and taken into custody, according to news agency reports and press freedom advocates. The police questioned them for 30 to 40 minutes and took the memory cards from their cameras.

"The Foreign Correspondents Club of China has received dozens of complains from foreign journalists who have been detained, trailed or had equipment damaged by the police."

Of course this is not an immigration issue; but, when free speech and press freedoms are curtailed anywhere, it's a cause of concern for all of us. Plus, lest you think this has nothing to do with you: abusive Chinese government + inaction = continued Chinese migration to the USA.

You can find out more about Mike and his fellow detainees here.


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