
Barack on Immigration, II

Here's what his campaign website has to say about his positions on immigration. I'm still dubious about his support of beefed-up border militarization, which he then admits has only made the situation worse. Is this just lip service to show he's tough on enforcement? He certainly has good facts there about the negative effects of the militarization. The last three sections on this page, Improving Legal Immigration, Bringing People Out of the Shadows, and Honoring our Immigrant Troops are right on the money. Is there a gap between how Senator Obama's office presents his immigration stance and how his -- separate -- campaign office does? How do we as voters find our candidates' real voices? We'll approach this again as elections near.

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Blogger Unknown said...


The best source for determining what Sen Obama really believes is his set of answers to a detailed questionnaire on immigration law issues which I found at www.cpvisa.com/OBAMA.QUESTIONNAIRE.pdf

4:37 PM, September 23, 2008  

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